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Developing leaders

Memorial launching professional development program

Teaching and Learning

By Jennifer Batten

Memorial is launching its Leadership Development Program to give leaders across units and campuses opportunities for professional growth in numerous areas of leadership and management.

Dr. Florentine Strzelczyk, provost and vice-president (academic), is leading the establishment of the program for senior leaders.

The program will roll out in phases and begin this month with a series on strategic planning for senior academic leaders, including deans and associate vice-presidents, with other modules following in 2022.

‘Tools and expertise’

“The higher education landscape is constantly evolving, and as university leaders, we find ourselves navigating more complex issues on a daily basis,” said Dr. Strzelczyk.

“As we move forward with implementing the strategic plan, Transforming Our Horizons, it will be important that all our leaders, whether new or seasoned, be equipped with the tools and expertise needed to help us innovate while upholding our commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, and to our communities.”

The program is in the early stages of development.

Future topics may include change management, budget modelling, equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism, and Indigenization.

Further details on the sessions for 2022-23 will be shared early in the new year.

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