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Education excellence

Engineering professor receives international recognition for his teaching

Teaching and Learning

By Jackey Locke

A member of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science has been honoured by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME).

Dr. Brian Veitch, professor, Department of Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering, received the 2020 William H. Webb Medal.

Dr. Veitch was selected by his peers and received the award for his outstanding contributions to education in naval architecture and ocean engineering.

Since joining Memorial University in 1998, Dr. Veitch has taught undergraduate courses in the Department of Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering, including the program’s capstone design course. He has also supervised more than 70 master’s and PhD students.

Exciting, supportive environment

Most of Dr. Veitch’s work is done in team settings that involve students and researchers from universities, research institutions, industry and government. Dr. Veitch believes that team settings foster innovation and provide an exciting, supportive learning environment.

The William H. Webb Medal was established in 1987 to honour the late William H. Webb, who was a highly successful shipbuilder, shipowner and educator whose contributions to the marine profession and commitment to the education of naval architects, marine engineers and shipbuilders took shape in Webb’s Academy and Home for Shipbuilders, now known as Webb Institute.

The medal is for outstanding contributions to education in naval architecture, marine or ocean engineering.

Dr. Veitch’s contributions are in the field of offshore and marine safety and marine propellers and propulsion. Since 2013 he has been the Husky Energy Chair in Oil and Gas Research.

He is also involved in several other professional associations, including the Royal Institution of Naval Architects.

Dr. Veitch received his award at the virtual SNAME Maritime Convention 2020, held Sept. 29-Oct. 2.

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