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Indigenization survey

Input sought to inform engagement for indigenization strategy

Teaching and Learning

By Jennifer Batten

As announced in March, Memorial is launching an inclusive and consultative process that will guide the development of an indigenization strategy for the university.

The announcement of the launch of the planning process is available here.

The Office of Aboriginal Affairs is leading the project, guided by the President’s Advisory Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and an external strategic planning consultant who will support the university’s efforts to make the planning process as collaborative as possible, recognizing the individual and collective needs of all stakeholders across Memorial’s campuses and Newfoundland and Labrador.

The right process

The planning process will begin with a survey for faculty and staff across Memorial’s campus to inform the approach taken to engagement with various stakeholders.

Ensuring that the right process is used and that all community stakeholders are asked what is the right process, is often the most overlooked element in strategic planning. This initial survey step will ensure strong collaboration before and during the process, resulting in a final plan that reflects the input of various groups across the university community.

Faculty and staff across campuses are encouraged to take a few minutes to answer and reflect on questions in this survey. All responses are anonymous and the survey will be open until April 30, 2018.

The survey is available online.

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