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Integrating units

Board approves integration of Office of Student Recruitment with Office of the Registrar

Teaching and Learning

By Memorial University

At its meeting on Thursday, Feb. 2, the Board of Regents approved the integration of the Office of Student Recruitment with Office of the Registrar, including budgets and staff, effective April 1, 2017.

The search committee for the permanent university registrar role, which will be formed shortly, will be responsible for developing a new position profile to reflect the addition of the student recruitment function to the Office of the Registrar.

“The integration of these key units is progressive, in alignment with structures at other universities, and timely given the upcoming search for a permanent university registrar,” said Dr. Noreen Golfman, provost and vice-president (academic).

“Bringing the two units together will enhance our ability to attract and support top talent, including students, faculty and staff. The changes will enable the university to most effectively and efficiently recruit and support students from across the province, Canada and beyond, providing a team-based, streamlined approach to recruitment, admissions and academic support.”

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