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Interim dean appointed

Dr. Ross Klein appointed interim dean of School of Social Work

Teaching and Learning

By Jennifer Batten

Dr. Ross Klein has been appointed interim dean of the School of Social Work effective Jan. 1, 2019, until a permanent dean is appointed.

The Board of Regents approved the appointment on Dec. 18.

Following a call to faculty members in the School of Social Work for nominations and expressions of interest for individuals to serve in the position, Dr. Noreen Golfman, provost and vice-president (academic) recommended the appointment, which was accepted by the president.

Dr. Klein replaces Dr. Donna Hardy Cox who earlier this fall was appointed associate vice-president (academic), students, effective Jan. 1, 2019. He held the role of acting dean of Social Work over a four-month period in summer/fall 2016 while Dr. Hardy Cox was on administrative leave.

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Klein has been engaged in teaching and research at Memorial for more than 30 years. He is associate dean, graduate studies and research, in the School of Social Work.

Before coming to Memorial, he taught at Iowa State University and Skidmore College and held adjunct appointments at Smith College and Empire State College. He holds a B.Sc. in social work and sociology from Arizona State University, a master of social work from the University of Maryland and an MA and PhD from Syracuse University.

“I thank Dr. Klein for once again stepping into this important academic leadership role,” said Dr. Golfman. “I am confident that his experience and leadership will serve the unit well during this time of transition.”

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