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Leadership appointment

Dr. Amy Warren appointed associate VP (academic) and dean of Graduate Studies

Teaching and Learning

By Jennifer Batten

The search committee for the role of associate vice-president (academic) (AVPA) and dean of the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) has completed its work.

Dr. Amy Warren, a white woman in her late 30s, smiles at the camera in front of a background that is out of focus.
Dr. Amy Warren is the associate vice-president (academic) and dean of the School of Graduate Studies.
Photo: Rich Blenkinsopp

The committee has recommended Dr. Amy Warren for the position.

President Neil Bose has accepted the recommendation; the Board of Regents approved the appointment at its meeting on Dec. 7.

Dr. Warren, who has been in the role on an interim basis since fall 2021, will begin a five-year term effective Dec. 8, 2023.

Dr. Warren has been with Memorial for 21 years. In addition to her most recent interim appointment, she was the associate dean of SGS for one year, and director of the Master of Employment Relations Program for three years.

She is also an associate professor and began her teaching and research career in the Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial in 2002.

“Dr. Warren has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to graduate student success and to providing high service levels to students, faculty and staff during some of the most challenging times,” said Dr. Jennifer Lokash, provost and vice-president (academic). “Her collaborative approach to supporting our diverse graduate student population and to providing direction and leadership to her team will ensure graduate studies programs at Memorial continue to thrive.”

Lens of accessibility

During Dr. Warren’s tenure as interim AVPA and dean of SGS, graduate enrolment increased steadily: by almost six per cent in fall 2022 over the previous year and eight per cent in fall 2023.

In addition, in her first year as interim AVPA and dean of the SGS, Dr. Warren advocated for and established an increase in baseline funding rates for graduate students.

Dr. Warren has made it a priority to use an accessibility lens in graduate education.

As a woman with a disability, her advocacy experience and commitment to advocating for graduate students helped her advance accessibility policy and practice in graduate education at Memorial.

She is the current chair of the Equity Diversity Inclusion – Anti-Racism standing committee with SGS, and she continuously finds ways to provide skills development to stakeholders, including through hosting anti-racism training, mental health first aid sessions and other graduate supervisor and graduate student training opportunities.

She is also chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee at Memorial and co-lead on Memorial’s accessibility plan currently in development, which is a requirement under the Accessibility Act N.L.

“All of Memorial University, and particularly our vibrant community of graduate students, is very fortunate to have Dr. Warren in this key leadership role, and I look forward to our continued work together to advance the university’s academic mission,” added Dr. Lokash.

Dr. Warren is currently principal investigator on a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant and is a co-investigator on an additional Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant. She has published various works in academic and non-academic publications, including Personnel Review, The South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, International Journal of Manpower, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Career Development International, and the Globe and Mail.

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