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Leadership structures

Senior committees updated to foster improved decision-making

Teaching and Learning

By Memorial University

Memorial University is changing its leadership committee structures to foster improved decision-making.

Two new groups, the President’s Executive Council and the Senior Leadership Council, will support senior leadership and provide input on key university academic and administrative priorities.

President Neil Bose established the President’s Executive Council (PEC), the senior administrative committee of the university. It is a decision-making body with responsibility for university operations and affairs, especially for matters that cross over vice-presidential portfolios. Membership includes all vice-presidents and the president. This structure replaces the President’s Advisory Team (PAT). Terms of reference for this group are available here.

“I established PEC so that we have a mechanism for all vice-presidents across our campuses to weigh in on key decisions, not just in an advisory capacity, but with shared responsibility,” said Dr. Bose. “Decisions aren’t made in silos at Memorial, but rather with careful consideration of the perspectives, needs and priorities of all units and stakeholders of the institution.”

Senior Leadership Council (SLC) is a consultative forum with an aim to build and promote a culture of information-sharing and collaboration across all campuses and units and provides leadership, expertise and advice on matters pertaining to the university’s strategic directions and priorities. Membership includes leaders who report directly to the president or a vice-president. Terms of reference for this group are available here.

The work of PEC and SLC will help improve the flow of information to the university community by involving key leaders in discussions and decision-making processes. The updated structures will help build a stronger culture of transparency and openness and will complement existing advisory, consultation and decision-making groups that include faculty, staff and students and other leaders across campuses.

These committee structures will be engaged in yearly planning at Memorial. Their terms of reference will be revised at intervals to ensure that they continue to meet the changing needs of the institution.

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