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University registrar appointed

Lee Ann McKivor appointed university registrar

Teaching and Learning

By Jennifer Batten

The search committee for the position of university registrar has completed its work and has recommended the appointment of Dr. Lee Ann McKivor.

A smiling Lee Ann McKivor is outside in blue and purple academic dress and looking directly at the camera.
Dr. Lee Ann McKivor

President Timmons has accepted the recommendation and the Board of Regents approved the appointment at its July meeting.

Dr. McKivor will begin in the role on Aug. 15, 2022.

Dr. McKivor is an experienced academic administrator in higher education. She previously served as associate registrar and director, and associate university secretary at Western University. She is skilled in staff retention, higher education administration, supervisory skills, higher education leadership and higher education policy.

“I look forward to welcoming Dr. McKivor to Memorial and to Newfoundland and Labrador,” said Dr. Margaret Steele, interim provost and vice-president (academic). “I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the search committee for their commitment to this important search, and recognize the leadership of Ms. Jennifer Porter, who has served as interim registrar throughout the search process.”

Dr. McKivor holds a doctor of Education from Western and a master’s in Education from the University of Calgary’s Graduate Division of University Research with a specialization in higher education leadership.

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