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Holiday greetings

Leadership team shares well wishes

Campus and Community

As 2020 draws to a close, Memorial’s leaders are sharing a holiday greeting with the university community.

President Vianne Timmons and vice-presidents Mark Abrahams, Glenn Blackwood, Neil Bose, Jeff Keshen and Kent Decker share their greetings and best wishes for the holiday season.

Dr. Timmons, Dr. Abrahams, Mr. Blackwood and Mr. Decker were filmed at the charity drive held on Memorial’s St. John’s campus on Dec. 12. That event raised $2,700 in cash donations, an estimated 3,000 pounds of food and enough toys to fill two Campus Enforcement and Patrol cars. For more information about that event, visit https://gazette.mun.ca/campus-and-community/charity-drive-success/.

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