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Planning progress

Community consultation planned for Campus Master Plan

By Memorial University

The Campus Master Plan is now in phase two of its three-phase plan.

Progress is being made despite the COVID-19 global pandemic and resulting restrictions.

Draft plans for the Signal Hill Campus and the Ocean Sciences Centre are on hold until project consultant Brook McIlroy Inc. can safely visit the province to view the sites.

However, as the consultant is familiar with the St. John’s campus from the 2007 Campus Master Plan update, work continues on this component.

Input encouraged

Members of the Memorial community are urged to provide feedback online via an interactive engagement website, open to the public.

Consultations are currently open on wayfinding and signage in the St. John’s region.

Upcoming open consultation

An open community consultation is scheduled for Wednesday, May 19, from 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

Steering committee co-chairs Dr. Mark Abrahams, provost and vice-president (academic) pro tempore, and Ann Browne, associate vice-president (facilities), will be joined by project consultant Brook McIlroy Inc, and sub-consultant Harbourside Transportation.

This virtual event is an opportunity for the university community to learn more about the plan’s progress and share their ideas on what the future of Memorial University’s St. John’s region should look like.

The event will be broadcast via WebEx events; connection details can be found online when available. Questions, comments and feedback can be sent in advance via email.

Memorial embarked on the project last year and held a campus-wide consultation in November 2020 to help guide decisions about phase one of the plan.

Information is continually being updated on the Campus Master Plan website. Updates will be shared regularly on Memorial’s social media channels, including Facebook and Twitter, throughout the planning process.

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