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President’s message

"It's different this time," says Dr. Vianne Timmons

Campus and Community

By Dr. Vianne Timmons

It’s different this time.

When we faced our first lockdown last March with the first cluster, we didn’t know what to expect and we waited. Coming together as a province, we kept COVID-19 numbers low for the past 11 months. Things have changed.

We’re worried for our friends and families. We’re worried for ourselves. Our children are getting sick. And we’re tired.

Though we’ve been lucky in Newfoundland and Labrador, we’ve still faced the realities of pandemic life for the better part of a year.

Some of us are scared, stressed and mentally exhausted. And at the moment there’s no end in sight.

Not business as usual

So it’s not business as usual this time.

I ask faculty and staff to have extra patience with co-workers.

Some are home with their children, and likely everyone has a friend or family member affected by this outbreak. Some things might not get done, and that’s okay.

What’s important is that we support one another.

Message to students

To the students, I ask you to take the time to take care of yourselves.

Your health and well-being is the most important thing to be concerned about right now.

We know this has been a strange year for you and remote learning has been a challenging adjustment, but please know that your professors understand how hard this is for you.

They are here to support you. Know that we’re all here to support you.

And maybe your professors could use a little support and understanding, as well.

This is a tough time for us all. Take a breather if things get too hard. Reach out if you need help. Be kind.

And stay safe.

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