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Preventing COVID-19

Adopt these best practices and continue good habits

Campus and Community

The following message is being sent on behalf of Dr. Mark Abrahams, provost and vice-president (academic), pro tempore; Dr. Neil Bose, vice-president (research); and Kent Decker, vice-president (administration and finance).

The province has been successful at flattening the curve of COVID-19.

It’s important to continue to be vigilant and ensure we keep in mind that preventing another outbreak or minimizing impacts will depend on our collective adherence to best practices.

As people move through summer and faculty, staff and students may be on campus or out in the community, we ask you to adopt these best practices.

If you have not already done so, please attend COVID-19 Health and Safety Awareness Training.


Memorial is strongly recommending wearing non-medical face masks while in public spaces and common areas at Memorial.

This information from the Government of Canada is a helpful resource.

For those who can wear a mask, you are asked to do so.

Note your interactions

Keep a diary of people you encounter on a daily basis when on campus.

Keep in mind: people, space, time and place.

If you are on campus, reduce socializing in public spaces, and remain in your office as much as possible.

Keeping your number of close interactions at the office and elsewhere as low as possible continues to be important.

Meet online

Continue to use Webex for meetings, interviews and to provide services where possible.

This reduces the need to bring groups together and reduces the number of interactions with others.

Assess need to be on campus

Unit operational plans determine who needs to return to campus.

If tasks require visits to campus, consider a part-time scenario where you return to campus to complete those tasks and work remotely when on-campus access is not required.

Good practice is to set up rotation of those working on and off campus. Continue to work from home where possible.

Stay home if sick

If feeling unwell, do not come to campus.

Anyone approved to be on campus should review the daily self-assessment tool.

Follow posted signage

Signage at building entrances and throughout campuses outline procedures and guidelines while on campus.

Please adhere to the directions provided.

Continue good habits

Physical distancing and proper hand washing or hand sanitizing continue as the most important preventative strategies to reduce the spread of this virus.

Continue the good habits you’ve been forming over the past few months.

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