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Statement of support

Public Health in support of in-person learning

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

Memorial has been working closely with Public Health since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, Public Health shared its support of the return to in-person learning:

“Public Health provided feedback during the initial development and subsequent revisions of Memorial University’s COVID-19: Guide to Campus Recovery, and continues to work closely with Memorial’s Office of the Chief Risk Officer. Public Health recognizes the importance of in-person learning for post-secondary students for the completion of academic programs, and supports a return to in-person learning that considers and mitigates risk.”

Memorial will continue to collaborate with Public Health, listen to the concerns of the campus community and apply the necessary health and safety measures to keep our communities healthy. 


For more information about the guidelines that Public Health has provided for post-secondary institutions, review the provincial government’s Overall Guidance for Post-Secondary Institutions.


More information about Memorial’s COVID-19 response can be found on the university’s COVID-19 site.

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