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Tuition changes

Board of Regents approves new schedule of tuition fees

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

The governing body of Memorial University, the Board of Regents, has approved a new schedule of undergraduate program tuition fees that take effect in fall 2022.

The new schedule is as follows: 

  • Effective fall 2022, new domestic undergraduate tuition (Newfoundland and Labrador and other Canadian students) will be $600 per course.
    • The differential for Canadian students will be discontinued.
  • Effective fall 2022, international undergraduate tuition will be $2,000 per course.
  • Effective fall 2022, domestic Marine Institute diploma of technology/technician diploma, advanced diploma and postgraduate certificate courses (Newfoundland and Labrador and Canadian students) will be $600 per course.
    • The differential for Canadian students will be removed.
  • Effective fall 2022, international Marine Institute diploma of technology/technician diploma, advanced diploma and postgraduate certificate tuition will be $2,000 per course.
  • Four per cent increase will be implemented every fall, beginning in 2022, to the domestic and international rates.
  • Current students (including students who will be registering in the 2021-22 academic year) will pay tuition at the current price per course plus a four per cent annual increase between fall 2022-25.
  • Other fees are not included.
  • Graduate program tuition will not change at this time.
  • The Faculty of Medicine is not included in this plan.

With this adjustment, Memorial’s undergraduate tuition remains the most affordable in Atlantic Canada.

“Adjusting tuition fees was not a decision that was made lightly,” said President Vianne Timmons.

“This change is necessary given the provincial government’s planned $68.4-million cut to the university grant over the next five years, effectively ending government support for the tuition freeze.”

Bursaries and scholarships

Dr. Timmons noted that there are several principles underpinning the new fee schedule:

  • Remaining accessible to Newfoundland and Labrador students with financial needs via more bursaries and scholarships.
  • Remaining the most affordable university in Atlantic Canada.
  • Ensuring students currently enrolled, and those incoming in the 2021-22 academic year, have a grace period before the full increase is applied to them.

President Timmons said that in addition to increasing tuition fees, Memorial is also focused on reducing its costs.

Since 2016 Memorial has implemented $42 million in efficiencies in order to balance its operating budget. This work to find efficiencies will continue.

“We will continue to look for efficiencies in all our operations while also finding new ways to support students. In particular, we will be increasing our fundraising activities to add more scholarships and bursaries for both students in need and also to recognize high-achieving students.”

Making this decision now ensures that prospective students have the information they need about the tuition rates they can expect at Memorial, while giving students who are currently enrolled certainty about costs in the coming years.

Current students will have a four-year grace period with only four per cent annual increases until fall 2026. This includes students who will register in the 2021-22 academic year.

All details to be considered

Dr. Timmons notes that implementing these changes to Memorial’s complex tuition structure for fall 2022 will take some time.

Over the coming days and weeks, the university will work to ensure all necessary details are considered to address implications for Memorial students. Details will be communicated as they become available.

Later this year, Memorial will propose to increase tuition for some course-based master’s programs that do not currently have differential fees. Many of these programs’ fees are far below the national average. The Board of Regents will be asked to consider this proposal at its September meeting.

“Students are at the heart of everything we do,” President Timmons stated.

“Our new strategic plan, Transforming our Horizons, calls us to be responsive to student needs and focused on their experience. With these tuition changes helping to stabilize our operating budget going forward, Memorial will continue to provide university students with the world-class educational experience they deserve. Our students deserve nothing less.”

For more information about Memorial’s new tuition framework, please visit here.

More information for students is available here

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