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Updates on preparations for the student experience fall 2021

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

Memorial University is looking forward to welcoming the university community back to campus.

As Newfoundland and Labrador gradually opens up, we are eagerly preparing our spaces to deliver a safe learning experience to students across all our campuses.

New and current students should be making plans to be on our campuses for their university experiences this fall. While courses and classes with enrolments of more than 100 will be delivered remotely, students registering for those courses will need to be on campus for labs, tutorials, small seminars and other course components that will be delivered in-person.

COVID-19 vaccination rates in Newfoundland and Labrador are high, and we anticipate that most people residing in the province will have had the opportunity to receive two doses of the vaccine before the fall semester starts in September.

Below you will find updates on preparations for the student experience in fall 2021.

Further details on Memorial’s return to campus plan will be shared at Memorial’s COVID-19 hub page and on our official Memorial social media channels.

Classroom experience

Classes and labs with enrolments less than 100 will mostly be delivered in person and classes that would normally be on campus with enrolments of more than 100 will be delivered remotely.

Distance education/online courses will be delivered as they were before the pandemic. Courses delivered remotely may have some component of on campus activity where students may be expected to attend in person.

Students are asked to consult with individual academic units for details on in-person requirements for courses.

Course offerings are available on the Registrar’s Office website with details on the mode of delivery for each course. Undergraduate students planning to register on July 13 should review the course offerings regularly as there may be updates or changes to the information.

Questions related to these course offerings should be directed to the applicable academic unit or Academic Advising.

Student supports, services and welcome activities

Student supports and services, wellness and counselling services, libraries, help centres, food services, recreation facilities and most academic, career and leadership supports will be delivered on campus, although in some cases some services may remain remote.

Fall welcome and orientation activities will be delivered on campus and virtually, depending on the event and space/distancing requirements.

Individual academic units will share details with students on fall welcome and orientation activities happening within their units.


Memorial strongly encourages all students to get vaccinated.

Students currently outside of Newfoundland and Labrador should refer to their province/country’s vaccination roll-out plan for eligibility information.

Details on Newfoundland and Labrador’s vaccine roll-out plan can be found here, including common questions and answers about the covid-19 vaccine.

Students from outside Newfoundland and Labrador who are not vaccinated will be required to self-isolate for a full 14 days. Vaccines will be available to any incoming student who wishes to receive one.

Health and safety

Through the fall planning process, Memorial is continually assessing public health guidance and protocols and aligning decision-making with Newfoundland and Labrador’s reopening plan.

We all have a role to play in keeping the university community safe and healthy.

Practising good hygiene, completing a COVID-19 awareness training session in Brightspace, completing self-assessments before coming to campus, frequent hand washing, and mask use will keep the community safe.

Provincial guidance can be found here.

The MUN Safe app, available for iPhone and android users, is used by the university to share important health and safety information. All students are encouraged to download it prior to the start of the fall semester.

Student Residences

Student Residences on the St. John’s campus are accepting applications for our Paton College community.

Paton College is ideal for first year undergraduate students or students away from home for the first time. Students living in these communities benefit from the convenience of on-campus living, camaraderie with their fellow house mates and the safety and security of our residence facilities.

Learn more about Paton College here.

Application fees, room deposits and cancellation fees have been waived for the fall semester.

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