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Philosophy of feminism

13th annual philoSOPHIA conference at Signal Hill Campus

By Janet Harron

Feminist scholars from all over North America are set to visit St. John’s this week for the 13th annual philoSOPHIA conference from May 9-11 at Memorial’s Signal Hill Campus.

philoSOPHIA is dedicated to the study of feminism in the European philosophical tradition.

Dr. Shannon Hoff, a member of philoSOPHIA’s executive committee, is organizing the conference on behalf of the philosophy department at Memorial.

Decolonization and feminism

This year’s event is dedicated primarily to discussions of decolonization and feminism and will feature keynote speakers María Lugones (Binghamton University, New York), Uma Narayan (Vassar College), Kelly Oliver (Vanderbilt University) and Lee Maracle (Toronto).

Keynote speaker Lee Maracle will also read from her latest book at Eastern Edge Gallery on Friday, May 10.
Photo: Columpa Bobb

“We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to host speakers of this calibre, and to contribute to discussion of these issues at Memorial and in its community,” said Dr. Hoff.

Hope Matters reading

Memorial faculty members Drs. Sonia Boon, Carol-Lynne D’Arcangelis and Vicki Hallett, Department of Gender Studies, and Dr. Patricia Dold, Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies, will also present.

Graduate students Daze Jefferies, Maliheh Deyhim and Victoria Smith will also participate.

More information on the conference can be found here.

Ms. Maracle will also give a reading from her latest book, Hope Matters, on Friday, May 10, at the Eastern Edge Gallery on Harbour Drive, starting at 7:30 p.m. This event is being presented in collaboration with First Light and the Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador.

All are welcome to attend both the conference and the reading.

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