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‘Rugged and resilient’

Business faculty strategic plan champions change, provides accountability

By Susan White

Embracing its reputation as a national leader in business education, the Faculty of Business Administration is launching a strategic plan that champions change and provides accountability to students, alumni and the business community.

Dr. Isabelle Dostaler, dean, Faculty of Business Administration, talks about the faculty's new strategic plan.
Dr. Isabelle Dostaler
Photo: David Howells

The plan, titled Solid as a Rock, Resilient as Our Shores: Dynamic Business Education for an Ever-changing World, builds on the faculty’s existing reputation for innovation and leadership while also outlining priorities for future growth.

A plan for N.L.

“This is a strategic plan that very much reflects Newfoundland and Labrador,” said Dr. Isabelle Dostaler, dean, Faculty of Business Administration.

“It’s a plan that could only exist here, at a university that holds sacred its obligation to its citizens. Newfoundland and Labrador is a special place, and this plan outlines our commitment to honouring that uniqueness while also contributing to the province’s growth and success.”

The plan outlines four strategic priorities:

  1. Champion change;
  2. Educate through experience;
  3. Innovate through research; and
  4. Eliminate barriers through partnerships.

The full plan can be viewed here or here.

“We’re the only business faculty in the province, and as such, we take our responsibility to educate business leaders who are prepared to guide the economic future of our province very seriously.” — Dr. Isabelle Dostaler

Each priority will be updated regularly on the faculty’s website with activities and achievements as a means of providing public accountability to members of the community.

Guiding economic future

“We’re the only business faculty in the province, and as such, we take our responsibility to educate business leaders who are prepared to guide the economic future of our province very seriously,” said Dr. Dostaler.

“As unique as our rugged and resilient landscape, our identity as a business school with a special obligation to Newfoundland and Labrador shapes the impact we make in the province, in Canada and all around the world.”

For more information about the business faculty’s leadership among Canada’s top business schools, visit online.

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