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Arctic eye

Photo contest details research and life in the North


By Susan Flanagan

This fall Arctic researchers are invited to submit their best Arctic shots for the International Arctic Change 2017 Conference Photo Contest.

Memorial is a member institution of ArcticNet, which is committed to communicating the impacts of climate change in the Arctic and Antarctic to diverse international audiences and preserving a legacy of iconic and inspiring imagery for future generations.

SmartICE community operator and Memorial University staff member Andrew Arreak surveys rough sea ice off Pond Inlet using the SmartQAMUTIK. SmartICE empowers northern communities through technology to adapt to unpredictable sea-ice conditions resulting from climate change.
SmartICE community operator and Memorial staff member Andrew Arreak surveys rough sea ice off Pond Inlet using the SmartQAMUTIK. SmartICE empowers northern communities through technology to adapt to unpredictable sea-ice conditions resulting from climate change.
Photo: SMARTice

The ArcticNet Polar Photography Gallery has become a resource for media, education and various research programs.

Prominent coverage

Photos from the gallery have been featured in prominent national and international print and electronic media publications, including Ottawa Life, the Globe and Mail, UpHere, Above & Beyond, Canadian Geographic, Time Magazine, GEO Magazine, the Washington Post, Le Monde and Al Jazeera.

Contest organizers are encouraging researchers, students and academic collaborators to share photos of their environment, flora and fauna and research activities. So, instead of letting your most compelling research images languish on your hard drives, send them in to share with the world.

The photographer of the first place photo will be awarded $500, second place is $350 and third place is $250. Three photos will receive an honourable mention and the photographers will each receive $150.

Contest details

Contest eligibility criteria and submission details are available on the Arctic Change 2017 website. Winners will be announced and photos showcased at the Arctic Change 2017 in Quebec City, Que., in December.

If you wish your photos to be considered for publication in the ArcticNet Annual Report available in softcover and digital formats, please submit images to the contest before Aug. 21, 2017.

The deadline for photo submission is Friday, Oct. 27. To learn more, visit online. To view the photo gallery, visit here.

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