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Award changes

New guidelines for President’s Award for Outstanding Research


By Jeff Green

The terms of reference and conditions for one of Memorial’s longstanding research awards have changed.

The President’s Award for Outstanding Research (PAOR), established in 1984, recognizes early career faculty who have made exceptional contributions to their disciplines and have demonstrated a potential to become international research leaders.

Read the updated terms of reference and conditions here online.

Revised guidelines

The eligibility for the award has shifted. It now defines early career researchers as those who have received their PhD or their first academic appointment in the 10 years prior the award’s deadline; previously it was 15 years. For this year only, however, a decision has been made to grandparent the 15 years from PhD eligibility.

The deadline for the PAOR is now Nov. 30, which is also the same deadline for University Research Professor submissions.

Other changes

Among other changes for the PAOR is the fact the award is now an application, with candidates expected to complete and submit the necessary materials by the deadline.

Additionally, the award recipient now has an option, upon consultation with their department head, to receive a research grant (valued at $5,000) or one course release. Also anyone holding a research chair within the last three years of the award’s deadline are excluded from the competition.

Those interested in applying for the award are also required to secure three sponsors who can attest that applicants promote an inclusive research culture and adhere to the university’s core values. In particular, sponsors must clearly demonstrate that the applicant shows integrity (being honest and ethical in all interactions), is collegial (engages others with respect, openness and trust in pursuit of a common purpose) and inclusive (responsible for guaranteeing diversity and equity including the duty to accommodate those they work with to ensure full participation).

PAOR information session

The Strategic Institutional Research Initiatives office invites those interested in applying for the PAOR, or those in a position to encourage early career researchers to apply, to a virtual information session.

The session will take place on Friday, Nov. 6, from 10-11:30 a.m. Please contact Tina Winsor via email for information on how to join the virtual session.

URP nominations

As noted, nominations for University Research Professorships are also due on Nov. 30.

University research professors have acquired a designation above the rank of full professor. The title is the most prestigious award the university gives for research and/or creative activity and goes to faculty members who have demonstrated a consistently high level of scholarship in their field, including graduate student supervision and other mentoring activities, and whose research and/or creative activity is of a truly international stature.

The award carries with it a lifetime designation, an unrestricted research grant of $4,000 each year for five years and a reduced teaching schedule.

University Research Professorships terms of reference and conditions are available here.

Nov. 30 deadline

Completed materials for both the PAOR and University Research Professorships must be sent electronically by 5 p.m. on Nov. 30.

Please contact your unit’s grants facilitator (or, if the unit has no grants facilitator, the person with signing authority for your unit) to confirm if there are earlier, internal deadlines. These internal deadlines must be factored into the timing of the development and submission of these awards.

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