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By Jeff Green

Memorial places second among Canada’s medical/doctorate universities for research income growth over a 15-year period, according to new data released by a national publication.

Research Infosource says Memorial ranks number two with a gain of 204.6 per cent for research income from fiscal years 2001-15.

‘Dedication of researchers’

The information was released on Thursday, Oct. 27, and will be included in Canada’s Innovation Leaders 2016, distributed on Nov. 17. The publication spotlights the country’s leading universities, corporations, hospitals and colleges.

“The tremendous growth in our research income . . . reflects the dedication of our researchers.” — Dr. Ray Gosine

“Memorial is recognized internationally as a leader in providing exceptional research opportunities for our students while maintaining an excellent reputation for teaching excellence,” said Dr. Ray Gosine, vice-president (research) pro tempore.

“In the past 15 years, Memorial has strategically put greater focus on intensifying our research activities, which has allowed us to recruit talented faculty and graduate students. These individuals have, in turn, been extremely successful in securing funding from the federal and provincial governments, through increasingly competitive processes, while also expanding Memorial’s collaboration with industry and other groups.

“The tremendous growth in our research income, as noted by Research Infosource, reflects the dedication of our researchers to increasing the research activity and outputs.”

$100 Million Club

On Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities List, Research Infosource says Memorial now ranks number 19, up from number 20 last year, with $104,395,000 in research income reported for the fiscal year of 2015, an 18.9 per cent increase.

With that increase, Research Infosource reports that Memorial is listed among its prestigious $100 Million Club. It also reports that Memorial ranks number two on its Top 10 Universities by Growth list for the last year.

Strengthening and enhancing

Dr. Gosine says thanks to the ongoing efforts in support of Memorial’s Strategic Research Intensity Plan, which was launched in 2014 to implement the vision set out in Memorial’s Research Strategy Framework, the university is enhancing its research activities across all disciplines.

“On each of our campuses, Memorial’s faculty, staff and students are engaged in dynamic multidisciplinary research aimed at increasing our understanding of important issues, addressing opportunities and challenges, and strengthening Newfoundland and Labrador’s future,” noted Dr. Gosine.

“An increase in Memorial’s research income provides the financial resources that allow the important research to be completed.”

Special report

Research Infosource’s latest rankings are printed as part of a special report included in various newspapers, including the National Post, the Hill Times and the Ottawa Citizen and posted online.

The publication’s rankings are based on data released by the Canadian Association of University Business Officers.

More about the latest listings and rankings is available online.

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