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Mayday! Mayday!

Bootcamp for female faculty in humanities and social sciences


By Janet Harron

Numerous studies have shown that female faculty spend substantially more time on teaching, administrative and professional care activities than their male counterparts, to the detriment of their research productivity.

To help combat this trend, the five female faculty members in Memorial’s Department of Political Science have been meeting weekly for the past year to work independently on their own research.

From left, Sarah Martin, Amanda Bittner, Valerie Vezina and Isabelle Cote. Christina Doonan was unavailable due to childcare responsibilities.

“By meeting on campus like this and carving time — and space — we have been able to prioritize research within our schedules for at least part of the week, even during our busiest weeks,” says Dr. Amanda Bittner, one of the original organizers.

Women Writers at MUN (WWAM) has proven so successful the group is branching out to hold a three-day campus writing retreat for female faculty members in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Female forum

The Mayday! Mayday! WWAM Research and Writing Bootcamp will be held May 23-25 in A-1043.

The retreat will provide a forum for participants to set and share goals, receive and give advice and encouragement to others and celebrate when goals are achieved.

Participants will complete four, 75-minute research/writing sessions throughout the day.

During breaks, participants will be able to learn about the research of others and discuss progress.

Those interested in attending should email the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences to RSVP by Thursday, May 18.

Space is limited to 25 participants. Tenured, tenure-track and contract faculty are all welcome to apply.

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