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Research update

Vice-president (research) announces full resumption of research activities


By Dr. Neil Bose

In keeping with Memorial’s return to campus on July 13, the St. John’s campus will fully resume research in on-campus research spaces, fieldwork and research involving interactions with research participants.

Researchers at Grenfell Campus and the Marine Institute campus should contact their research offices to confirm details for research activities based from those campuses.

In the case of research pertaining to Labrador, Dr. Ashlee Cunsolo, interim dean, School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies, can provide guidance.

As we return to more normal research activities, please continue to follow all public health advice and Memorial COVID-19 processes, which may change from time-to-time as we continue to live with the virus.

If you are feeling unwell or are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not come to campus or to other workspaces where you will be interacting with others.

If you feel well enough to work, please work remotely. This will help ensure the health and safety of both you and your colleagues, students and research participants.

For researchers who plan to undertake activities outside of Canada, please follow current travel approval processes.

For all research activities that take place off-campus, please contact research.requests@mun.ca if there are any additional public health restrictions in the jurisdiction of the research beyond those that were in place at the time the research activity was approved under Memorial’s COVID-19 research protocols.

Thank you once again for your high level of co-operation over the last 16 months.

Hopefully we have put the worst of the pandemic behind us and we will be able to manage any residual issues such that there is minimal impact on our research programs.

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