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SSHRC recap

Town hall recording now available


By Jeff Green

President Vianne Timmons co-hosted a town hall with Dr. Ted Hewitt, president of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), on Feb. 11.

The video of the session is available below.

Joining Drs. Timmons and Hewitt were Dr. Neil Bose, vice-president (research), and Dr. Tana Allen, associate dean (research), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, who is Memorial’s SSHRC leader.

During the hour-long interactive discussion, Dr. Hewitt provided an overview and update from SSHRC.

Topics discussed included support for graduate students; equity, diversity and inclusion; industry collaborations; and SSHRC funding opportunities.

More than 40 people attended the session, which targeted researchers, research administration staff and post-doctoral fellows.

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