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BA-based careers

Arts career fair for Memorial students and all local youth

Student Life

By Janet Harron

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) is partnering with local youth charity For The Love of Learning to present an arts career fair.

The Arts Career Training fair, or ACT, will take place on Thursday, Oct. 19, from 12-2 p.m. in The Landing in the University Centre on the St. John’s campus.

Creative career

Representatives from various arts organizations, including the Anna Templeton Centre, the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador, The Rooms, the Resource Centre for the Arts, Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador and Eastern Edge Gallery, will be on hand to answer essential and practical questions about starting a creative career.

Memorial alumna, employee and musician Colleen Power
Photo: Submitted

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences current alumni of the month, Colleen Power, will perform at the event.

“ACT’s mandate is summed up by its slogan, Where Ambition Finds Direction,” said Gemma Hickey, executive director and HSS alumni and current gender studies graduate student.

“It’s about ensuring that young artists know how to enter the professional arena.”

All are welcome to attend the event. Refreshments will be provided.

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