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Where ambition finds direction: Arts career expo on Nov. 15

Student Life

By Janet Harron

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) is partnering with local youth charity For the Love of Learning to present an arts career fair again this year.

The Arts Career Training fair or ACT, will take place on Thursday Nov. 15, from 12-2 p.m. in The Landing and The Loft in the University Centre on the St. John’s campus. All are welcome to attend and refreshments will be available.

If you approach your writing as a business with an intent to sell as well as create, then it is possible to become a career author.” – Victoria Barbour

Representatives from various arts organizations, including the Anna Templeton Centre, the Writers Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador, Music NL, NIFCO, ArtsNL, Artistic Fraud and Visual Artists of Newfoundland and Labrador, will be on hand to answer essential and practical questions about creative careers.

Memorial’s radio station CHMR will broadcast the event live and host Colleen Power will perform and interview several individuals, including HSS alumnae Thea Morash, arts and cultural development co-ordinator, City of St. John’s, and novelist Victoria Barbour.

“The notion of the starving writer is one that has infiltrated the creative world,” said Ms. Barbour, a USA Today bestselling author. “But if you approach your writing as a business with an intent to sell as well as create, then it is possible to become a career author.”

The complete list of exhibitors can be found here.

‘Career options in the arts’

Gemma Hickey is the executive director of For the Love of Learning, an HSS alumna and a master’s student in the Department of Gender Studies.

“It’s important that young people know that there are career options in the arts,” they said. “That’s why we’ve partnered with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences for the second year in a row to offer students the chance to network with artists and artist-run organizations within the city.”

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