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Celebration day

Memorial University holds fall convocation ceremonies in St. John's

By Kelly Foss

Nearly 1,000 degrees, about half of which are graduate degrees, will be awarded to graduating Memorial University students during fall convocation.

The first session of fall convocation took place at the Corner Brook Arts and Culture Centre on Oct. 4. Three sessions will take place at the St. John’s Arts and Culture Centre on Thursday, Oct. 18.

Live webcasts of each convocation session will be viewable 10 minutes prior to the start of each session on Memorial’s main page.

The full convocation schedule can be found below.


Along with the newest cohort of fall graduates crossing the stage, Memorial University is presenting three exceptional people with degrees honoris causa at fall ceremonies.

In Corner Brook on Oct. 4, Memorial conferred upon gerontologist, author and alumna Dr. Anne Martin-Matthews an honorary doctor of laws degree.

At the St. John’s Arts and Culture Centre on Oct. 18, the university will confer upon evolutionary biologist Dr. Geoffrey Parker an honorary doctor of science degree, and businessman, philanthropist and alumnus Robert Crosbie an honorary doctor of laws degree.

Honorary degree recipients are chosen from nominations submitted by the public to the Senate, the university’s academic governing body, after a careful examination of the grounds for their nomination. The honorary doctorate degree is designed to recognize extraordinary contribution to society or the university or exceptional intellectual or artistic achievement.

Professores emeriti

In addition, distinguished retired faculty members who were recently accorded the title professor emeritus/emerita by the university’s Senate will also be recognized at convocation ceremonies in St. John’s.

Dr. Eric Gill, Faculty of Engineering; Dr. Gerard Martin, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science; and Dr. Anne Storey, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science will be recognized during ceremonies on Oct. 18.

The distinction professor emeritus/emerita is open only to retired members of the faculty. To be eligible, a person must have served at least 10 years as a regular full-time faculty member at Memorial and must have held the rank of professor upon retirement. The prime criteria for nomination are sustained, outstanding scholarly work and/or service to the university.

President Gary Kachanoski will address all sessions of convocation.

For further information about convocation and those receiving special honours, please visit here. The broadcast will be available for viewing during each convocation session and archived on Memorial’s convocation website for future viewing.

Fall convocation schedule in St. John’s

Oct. 18 at 10 a.m.
Dr. Geoffrey Parker, doctor of science, honoris causa

Bachelor of arts (hons.)
Bachelor of arts
Bachelor of science (hons.)
Bachelor of science
Bachelor of physical education
Bachelor of recreation (co-op.)
Bachelor of recreation
Bachelor of kinesiology (co-op.)
Bachelor of kinesiology
Bachelor of nursing
Master of arts
Master of philosophy
Master of physical education
Master of social work
Master of nursing
Master of science in pharmacy
Master of science in medicine
Master of science in kinesiology
Master of public health

Oct. 18 at 3 p.m.
Robert Crosbie, doctor of laws, honoris causa

Bachelor of engineering
Bachelor of commerce (co-op.)(hons.)
Bachelor of commerce (co-op.)
Bachelor of business administration (hons.)
Bachelor of business administration
Bachelor of maritime studies
Bachelor of technology
Master of science
Master of engineering
Master of business administration
Master of environmental science
Master of marine studies
Master of applied science
Master of employment relations
Master of engineering management
Master of technology management
Master of health ethics
Master of applied psychological science (co-op.)
Master of science in management

Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m.

Bachelor of music
Bachelor of special education
Bachelor of education (native and northern)
Bachelor of education (post-secondary)
Bachelor of education (intermediate/secondary)
Bachelor of education (primary/elementary)
Bachelor of music education
Master of education
Master of music
Doctor of philosophy
Doctor of psychology

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