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Dean appointed

Dr. April Pike appointed dean of the Faculty of Nursing

Teaching and Learning

By Jennifer Batten

The search committee for the role of dean of the Faculty of Nursing has completed its work and recommended Dr. April Pike for the position.

Dr. April Pike appointed dean of the Faculty of Nursing
Dr. April Pike
Photo: Submitted

President Neil Bose has accepted the recommendation and the Board of Regents approved the appointment at its meeting on Oct. 3. Dr. Pike begins a five-year term effective today, Oct. 4.

Dr. Pike has been interim dean of the Faculty of Nursing since September 2022 and is currently the associate dean of research.

Since joining the Faculty of Nursing in 2005, Dr. Pike has taught in undergraduate and graduate programs.

Experienced and accomplished

“Dr. Pike is an experienced practitioner in her field and an accomplished academic leader dedicated to the success of the Faculty of Nursing and its students,” said Dr. Jennifer Lokash, provost and vice-president (academic). “She has practised as a registered nurse in various settings, including critical care nursing, at provincial, national and international levels, and in northern Indigenous communities in Canada.”

Dr. Pike has made significant contributions to the field of nursing and public health, earning recognition through multiple prestigious awards, including the President’s Award for Exceptional Community Service (2016), the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching (2020) and the College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador Award of Excellence in Nursing Education (2018).

Dr. Pike is an active advocate for women’s health as a member of the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance, where she leads initiatives such as the Vascular Risk Reduction Program for Women.

Her commitment to cardiovascular health education has also led to her inclusion in the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Caring Hearts Circle.

Additionally, Dr. Pike serves on the Canadian Nursing Genomics Steering Committee, further showcasing her dedication to public engagement and volunteer work within her community.

“I would like to extend my thanks to all members of the search committee as well as faculty members, staff and students in the Faculty of Nursing and across the university community for their engagement throughout the search process, said Dr. Lokash. “I look forward to what’s yet to come for the Faculty of Nursing and I am pleased to have the opportunity to continue to work with Dr. Pike.”

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