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Strong financial reporting

Memorial marks more than 20 years of unqualified financial audits


For more than two decades, Memorial University’s external auditors have provided the university with an unqualified audit opinion of its financial statements. This indicates that the professional external auditors are satisfied with the financial reporting and that it is in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

“We are proud of our continued strong financial reporting,” noted Dr. Vianne Timmons, president and vice-chancellor. “Memorial takes seriously its responsibility to fairly and appropriately present its financial statements and we are pleased with this external validation of our efforts.”

Over the past 20 years, Memorial has engaged various external audit firms which have all provided unqualified audit results. These include the current auditors at EY (Ernst & Young) as well as from other reputable audit firms.

Memorial’s most recent audited financial statements are available at: https://www.mun.ca/finance/financial-statements/


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