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Future vision

COASTS focus of HSS day-long symposium

Campus and Community

By Natasha Farrell

Students and educators are participating in a day-long symposium highlighting dialogue, innovative pedagogies, relationship-building and best practices for researchers in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences who are conducting COASTS-related work.

The Cold Ocean and Arctic Science, Technology, or COASTS, initiative at Memorial aims to emphasize and enhance Memorial University’s world-leading capability.

Research legacy

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) has long been a leader in understanding the fundamental human dynamics of development in Cold-Ocean and Arctic contexts, and continues to build on its legacy of research in these fields.

The day-long event takes place on Friday, April 28, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at R. Gushue Hall on the St. John’s campus.

With an emphasis on exploring innovative teaching and learning strategies, the symposium will help the faculty build on its legacy of COASTS-related research and tailor its research to serve the present and current priorities, but also chart a vision for the future. It will inform the development of a sustainable but enduring pedagogical structure that will inspire students.

‘All sorts of possibilities’

English professor Dr. Danine Farquharson’s presentation will focus on collaboration between faculty, students and other institutions in delivering COASTS-related courses.

“Teaming up with the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) and the Internationalization Office provides all sorts of possibilities for course delivery,” she said.

Dr. Farquharson also says the discussions and presentations during the day will foster research engagement and student learning, “now and in the future.”

“Community engagement has helped HSS develop a unique symbiotic relationship with the people in this province.” — Dr. Lynne Phillips

Dr. Lynne Phillips, dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and chair, HSS COASTS working group, says the ultimate goal is to create an opportunity for educators and students to come together to reflect on the past and begin new conversations about teaching.

“Community engagement has helped HSS develop a unique symbiotic relationship with the people in this province,” she said.

“It has inspired COASTS-related research into the language, culture and historical development of our province. And this research continues to attract young inquiring minds, who are interested in understanding and preserving our culture and history.”

Participants include Dr. Charles Mather, Department of Geography; Dr. Valerie Burton, Department of History; Dr. Robert Sweeny, Department of History; Dr. Barb Neis, Department of Sociology; Dr. Peter Whitridge, Department of Archaeology; Dr. Jillian Gould, Department of Folklore; Dr. Pam Hall, Department of Folklore; Dr. Farquharson, Department of English; and Dr. Karen Stanbridge, Department of Sociology.

Registration now open

The event is open to all students and educators of Memorial University.

To register, please contact the faculty by email.

For further information about HSS COASTS, please visit the webpage.

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