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Leadership update

Combined role of vice-president (Administration, Finance and Advancement) approved

Campus and Community

At their Dec. 7 meeting, the Board of Regents approved Dr. Neil Bose, president and vice-chancellor’s recommendation that the vacant position of vice-president (Administration and Finance) (VPAF) be modified to include some of the functions of the vice-president (Advancement and External Relations) (VPAER) position.

Smiling woman in black dress sits on yellow sofa. There is a window behind her and she's smiling at the camera
Lisa Browne, the current VPAER who has also been serving in the VPAF role for the past eight months, has been appointed to the new combined role of vice-president (Administration, Finance and Advancement)

Lisa Browne, the current VPAER who has also been serving in the VPAF role for the past eight months, has been appointed to the new combined role of vice-president (Administration, Finance, and Advancement) effective Dec. 7, 2023. An assessment of the combined role will be undertaken after two years to ensure it is meeting the needs of Memorial.

Since March 2023, Ms. Browne has been leading both the portfolios of Administration and Finance, and Advancement and External Relations. All areas that reported to the previous two positions will continue to report to the single VP as part of the initial structure of the portfolio.

“I look forward to continuing to work with Lisa in this modified vice-presidential role and I thank her for taking it on,” said President Bose. “Lisa brings her experience at Memorial University, combined with her previous senior leadership roles as CEO of Stella’s Circle and in the health care sector to this position. She also brings her passion for the university, its students, employees and alumni to bear on a daily basis.

“In the coming months we will work together to determine any longer-term structural adjustments that may need to be made within the portfolio to be the most effective and efficient for Memorial’s operations.”

This change builds on the experience and learnings over the past eight months in operating the portfolios as a single unit. It also exhibits responsiveness to points raised in the Auditor General’s report about the need to examine the size of the executive leadership group at Memorial University.

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