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Science Rendezvous

A Canada-wide, hands-on science celebration

By Kelly Foss

Discover glow-in-the-dark crystals, explore microscopic pond life, make slime, solve puzzles and more during Science Rendezvous 2016.

This free, all-ages public event, hosted by the Faculty of Science, will give participants the chance to do fun and safe hands-on science activities Saturday, May 7, on the St. John’s Campus.

Representatives from the departments of Ocean Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Biology, Earth Sciences, Chemistry and Physics and Physical Oceanography, as well as Let’s Talk Science, will be setting up activities in the lobby of the Science building and labs on the second floor of the Chemistry-Physics building from noon to 3 p.m.

Showcasing science

“Memorial University’s participation in Science Rendezvous 2016 will help showcase science, technology, engineering and mathematics in a fun and entertaining way to people of all ages,” said Lisa Breen, SHAD coordinator and this year’s Science Rendezvous coordinator at Memorial. “By celebrating science and bringing researchers together with the general public, we hope to help foster a strong culture of science in this province as well as across Canada.”

Science Rendezvous is the marquee event of Science Odyssey, formerly known as National Science and Technology Week, 10-days of discovery and innovation taking place May 6-15. Led by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, it is geared to engage and inspire Canadians of all ages with accomplishments and activities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Every year Science Rendezvous partners with research and community organizations to give the public exciting hands-on and unprecedented access to Canadian research. This year, the ninth annual festival will see over 300 free events take place in partnership with 40 of Canada’s top research institutions and more than 120 community organizations across 30 cities. Events span from Vancouver to St. John’s, and take place in venues ranging from small community centres to university campuses and large public parks.

For more information, about Science Rendezvous, visit www.sciencerendezvous.ca.

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