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Consultation update

Brown bag lunch about Research Impacting Indigenous Groups Policy


By Jeff Green

After discussions, listening and learning, phase one of a two-phase consultation plan to review Memorial’s Research Impacting Indigenous Groups (RIIG) Policy is drawing to a close.

Dr. Paul Banahene Adjei, interim associate vice-president (Indigenous research), has been leading an extensive consultation and review process.

He brought the current RIIG Policy to targeted internal and external stakeholders and groups for review.

Over the last several months, Dr. Adjei met with more than 10 external Indigenous groups throughout Newfoundland and Labrador as well as 20 internal groups, including various academic units, the Senate Committee on Research, the Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association and grant facilitation officers. Comments were also accepted via email.

Phase one of the consultation process will conclude at the end of March.

Brown bag lunch

Dr. Adjei is hosting a brown bag lunch to provide an update on phase one of the consultations.

Faculty, researchers, staff, students and post-doctoral research fellows are invited to attend.

The session will take place on Wednesday, March 22, from 12-1 p.m. This will be a hybrid session. It will take place in-person in room IIC-3001 in the Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, St. John’s campus. For those interested in attending virtually, please email here for the login instructions.

“Throughout phase one of this process we heard about the value and importance of an Indigenous research policy and received input on areas for possible revisions,” said Dr. Adjei.

“A working group is now helping review the various feedback gathered during phase one and to revise the policy accordingly.”

Phase two will provide an opportunity for internal and external stakeholders to review the final draft policy documents before it is brought to President’s Advisory Team, Senate and the Board of Regents for approval. Open consultations will occur during phase two.

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