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Equitable oceans

Banting fellow funded $140,000 to help chart a just course for Canada's small-scale fisheries


By Joshua Goudie

Part of an ongoing series of Gazette stories celebrating researchers who received support as part of a major investment by the federal government in science and research on Aug. 29.

How can countries like Canada meet their sustainability commitments while ensuring justice for its marginalized ocean users?

That’s the question at the heart of Dr. Evan Andrews’ work.

And for the next two years, Dr. Andrews, from Memorial’s Department of Geography in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, will be supported by funding from one of the country’s most prestigious research fellowships.

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship supports 70 research applicants annually. Valued at $140,000, the program aims to attract and retain top-tier post-doctoral talent and position them as the leading researchers of tomorrow.

“Winning the fellowship is an honour and privilege,” said Dr. Evans. “It means I am on the right track in terms of my commitments to coastal communities, transdisciplinary research and ocean governance research in Canada.”

Local research, global impact

Dr. Evan Andrews, a white man in his early 40s, stands in a building's atrium, smiling.
Dr. Evan Andrews
Photo: Submitted

Dr. Andrews’ project, Exploring an Anticipatory Governance Framework for Small-Scale Fisheries in Sustainable and Equitable Oceans, stems from the nation’s commitment to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

With new federal policies, legal changes and substantial investments on the horizon, Dr. Andrews hopes to provide an informed way forward in ocean decision-making, while maintaining obligations to marginalized ocean users.

An obvious beneficiary of an anticipatory governance framework such as the one Dr. Andrews proposes is Newfoundland and Labrador, where small-scale fisheries remain a social and economic safety net for coastal communities.

“Globally, many families and community groups are having serious conversations about the future of the ocean, their communities and small-scale fisheries,” Dr. Andrews said. “Newfoundland and Labrador is no different. My research encourages these types of conversations in the decision-making settings that lead to long-term policy planning and action in pursuit of just and sustainable ocean futures.”

Working from literature, interviews and workshops, Dr. Andrews hopes his findings will have global impact, helping to inform other nations and communities grappling with similar challenges.

Dr. Andrews has already established a track record for meaningful research and project leadership.

With Memorial’s Dr. Ratana Chuenpagdee, his Banting fellowship supervisor, he is co-leading the multi-year outreach and capacity-building project, Moving Together for Marine Conservation.

He is also the network lead of the Canadian research hub, Too Big To Ignore: A Global Partnership for Small-scale Fisheries.

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