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Head start

Memorial kick starts course offerings for new, first-year students

By Jill Hunt

Memorial is offering a selection of course offerings from various disciplines through a special spring semester for new high school/secondary students scheduled to start any university this fall.

Starting on Tuesday, May 26, at 9 a.m. new students have the opportunity to register for a university credit course during a 10-week spring semester, running June 4-Aug. 12.

Fourteen first-year courses will be offered from the faculties of Business Administration, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Science; and the schools of Fine Arts, Human Kinetics and Recreation, Music, Social Work, and Science and the Environment.

‘Ideal time’

“In these uncertain times, it’s important that we continue to find ways to support our students,” said Dr. Vianne Timmons, president and vice-chancellor.

”This spring is an ideal time for new, first-year students to take a credit course and to get a head start on their university studies. To complement these credit courses, we will also roll out a suite of non-credit courses that will help new incoming students transition to university life and get set for success – expect more to come on that very soon.”

Hear more from Dr. Timmons in the video below.

Students who are still considering applying to Memorial can do so and take advantage of this opportunity, and get an idea of what to expect from the remote teaching and learning experience that will be offered at Memorial during fall semester.

More information, including course descriptions and steps on how to apply and register, is available here.

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